Wednesday 4 March 2009

Key frames Explanation - middle row 4-6


My fourth main keyframe is to do with framing in terms of a shot. My keyframe i have chosen for this is the pan across shot of the young girl's father, which is in my opinion framed very well - the shot makes the character look defiant and strong, and a close up of the characters face shows emotion. I think this is similar to the film 'Blood diamond' yet again, and similar to a very particular shot in which Leonardo Dicaprio is framed in exactly the same perspective.

Camera movement
For my next main keyframe to show camera movement, i have shown a pan away shot of the house the young girl leaves when she moves to Germany. I think this is an effective shot as the camera pans away from the house, in a way showing the girls eye - view when she leaves - which i think is very effective in the way it does this as it gives you an idea straight away that the young girl is moving somewhere. It is similar to the shot in 'The boy in striped pyjamas' when the young boy moves house, and you see the car driving away from teh house. The shot may not be the same, but it still shares the same aspect and idea as my film opening.

For my transitions key frame, I have used the shot at the very start of my sequence, when the shot of the leaves goes from colour to black and white. This symbolises two things - one, it also symbolises time as going from colour to black and white shows the film must be set in olden times, and two, it symbolises the girl's emotions - at the start of the film she is happy but when they move she starts to feel unhappy - and I think this shot symbolises her feelings.

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